Friday, June 6, 2014

More Randomness

I’ve been keeping a list of notes/blog post topics.  Many of them are just random thoughts, or things that I’ve read about that I want to explore more.  I’m sitting at my inlaws house while they do a garage sale so I have some time to write about a few of the random thoughts I’m having.

Sign outside my door: I had a principal once who wanted all of her teachers to hang up their degrees in their room.  I really liked this idea and am going to hang them up next year.  My school currently has our highest degree and the university listed on the sign outside our door.  The problem is I have multiple degrees so I’ve created a sign I’m going to hang outside my door this coming year.  You can see it here.  I’m also thinking about adding a sign outside my door and inside my classroom that says something along the lines of no video or audio recordings without permission.  I don’t think this will necessarily keep kids from doing it, but it will at least make them aware.  

Online Museums: I know there are a lot of these available, and some of them are really good.  How do I use them in my classroom?  If I use something like that I really want it to be interactive, and not just something that kids go look at and don’t use the information.  They also have to fit what I’m teaching.  Has anyone used these successfully?

Computers Every Day: How will my seating change with the addition of computers?  Can I get power strips put at every set of tables, or would it be easier to train the kids on where the power strips are?  Also, if the expectation is for a kid to have their computer at school every day what about those kids that don’t?  Do I loan out my chromebook?  Do I have consequences?  I’ve always made it important for kids to have their notebooks with them and still they forget them.

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